Author Archives: pxenitidou

4 Critical Tips to Consider Before Buying Jewelry Online

buying jewelry online

Pieces of jewelry that have been made right are true works of art. They will make your heart skip a beat, and they will haunt your mind until you make them yours. And they will cause such intense responses even if you have only seen pictures of them online. This is the power of art. …

5 Best Gender-Neutral Gifts that Everyone Adores

People don’t need much to experience genuine joy: a few words of endearments, modest gender-neutral gifts, a gentle touch and a tight embrace. Sweet and simple.  The outcome however is grand since the culmination of such a selfless and loving gesture fills the hearts of everyone involved with warmth and excitement. It is not unheard-of…

Artsy Fashion Style: 4 Easy Tips to Turn Your Style into Art

artsy fashion style

Fashion is a unique industry as it has managed to protect its core values of artistic expression of the self behind an elitist wall that makes it hard for ordinary people to climb over.  Similar to all fields of art and science, you will have to study hard in order to keep up to date…

Why Jewelry Is the Best Gift for Everyone

jewelry best gift

Have you fallen into the internet rabbit hole, packed with articles, videos, photos and ads, while trying to find out what the best gift to give someone is? Do you feel dizzy from all the bright colors and the grand statements about shiny products?  You can sit back and relax as the jewelry company Aetion…