On sunny or wuthering days, people keep living their ordinary lives, keep doing chores while they are patiently waiting for exciting moments to come. Who knows how many people hope that these earrings will bring some joy in themselves or in their loved ones while they are reading these lines at the same time as you?
But there is one thing that the whole human species tends to forget: the mere fact that we are here, on this Earth, in this moment is a miracle. Despite our intelligence, even our brains can’t fathom how we came to be, what brought us here. But still, we have managed to survive.
What do all these mean? That everything is possible. All you have to do is to believe. Believe in yourself because you are a miracle. Don’t hesitate —not even for a second— to be yourself, to wear your cool wings and let them fly you to adventures that will make your limited time on this planet worthwhile.